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Sunday, 27 January 2013

Chicken Soboro Rice Bowl-Japanese Food

Chicken Soboro Rice Bowl-Japanese Food

Crumbled and seasoned meat/fish/egg are generally called Soboro. It is a popular food in Japan. Soboro are
often used as toppings on steamed rice.

Yield: 4 servings

Chicken Soboro Rice Bowl-Japanese Food


 1/2 lb. ground chicken, (2 TABLESPOONS of sugar, 3 tablespoons Mirin, 3 Tb soy sauce, 1 tsp grated ginger), 4 eggs, beaten, (1/2 tbsp Mirin, 1 TABLESPOON sugar, 1/2 tsp salt), 4 cups steamed Japanese rice.


 mixture of soy sauce, sugar, Mirin and ginger in a medium-sized pan. Place ground chicken in the Pan and mix well. You boil the meat medium to low heat, stirring with chopsticks until cooked through. Beat the eggs in a medium pan and add salt, sugar, and mirin seasoned. Place the pan on medium to low heat and scramble eggs with chopsticks. Steamed rice in four deep bowls to serve. Place the chicken Soboro and scrambled eggs in two different sections on the rice food.

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